Sunday, November 24, 2019
Battle of Saylers Creek in the Civil War
Battle of Saylers Creek in the Civil War Battle of Saylers Creek: Conflict Date: The Battle of Saylers Creek (Sailors Creek) was fought April 6, 1865, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders Union Major General Philip H. Sheridanapprox. 16,000 men Confederate Lieutenant General Richard EwellLieutenant General Richard Andersonapprox. 11,500 Battle of Saylers Creek - Background: In the wake of the Confederate defeat at Five Forks on April 1, 1865, General Robert E. Lee was driven out of Petersburg by Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant. Also forced to abandon Richmond, Lees army began retreating west with the ultimate goal of re-supplying and moving south into North Carolina to join with General Joseph Johnston. Marching through the night of April 2/3 in several columns, the Confederates intended to rendezvous at Amelia Court House where supplies and rations were expected. As Grant was forced to pause to occupy Petersburg and Richmond, Lee was able to put some space between the armies. Arriving at Amelia on April 4, Lee found trains loaded with munitions but none with food. Forced to pause, Lee sent out forage parties, asked the local populace for aid, and ordered food sent east from Danville along the railroad. Having secured Richmond and Petersburg, Grant tasked Major General Philip Sheridan with leading the pursuit of Lee. Moving west, Sheridans Cavalry Corps and attached infantry fought several rearguard actions with the Confederates and rode ahead in an effort to cut the railroad in front of Lee. Learning that Lee was concentrating at Amelia, he began moving his men towards the town. Having lost his lead on Grants men and believing his delay to be fatal, Lee departed Amelia on April 5 despite securing little food for his men. Retreating west along the railroad towards Jetersville, he soon found that Sheridans men had arrived there first. Stunned as this development precluded a direct march to North Carolina, Lee elected not to attack due to the late hour and instead conducted a night march to the north around the Union left with the goal of reaching Farmville where he believed supplies to be waiting. This movement was spotted around dawn and Union troops resumed their pursuit (Map). Battle of Saylers Creek - Setting the Stage: Pushing west, the Confederate column was led by Lieutenant General James Longstreets combined First and Third Corps, followed by Lieutenant General Richard Andersons small corps, and then Lieutenant General Richard Ewells Reserve Corps which possessed the armys wagon train. Major General John B. Gordons Second Corps acted as the rear guard. Harassed by Sheridans troopers, they were also closely followed by Major General Andrew Humphreys II Corps and Major General Horatio Wrights VI Corps. As the day progressed a gap opened between Longstreet and Anderson which was exploited by the Union cavalry. Correctly guessing that future attacks were likely, Ewell sent the wagon train along a more northern route west. It was followed by Gordon who was under pressure from Humphreys approaching troops. Crossing Little Saylers Creek, Ewell assumed a defensive position along a ridge west of the creek. Blocked by Sheridans cavalry, which was approaching from the south, Anderson was forced to deploy southwest of Ewell. In a dangerous position, the two Confederate commands were nearly back-to-back. Building up strength opposite Ewell, Sheridan and Wright opened fire with 20 guns around 5:15 PM. Battle of Saylers Creek - The Cavalry Strikes: Lacking guns of his own, Ewell was forced to endure this bombardment until Wrights troops started advancing around 6:00 PM. During this time, Major General Wesley Merritt began a series of probing attacks against Andersons position. After several small-scale advances were turned back, Sheridan and Merritt increased the pressure. Advancing with three cavalry divisions armed with Spencer carbines, Merritts men succeeded in engaging Andersons line in close combat and overwhelming his left flank. As Andersons left disintegrated, his line collapsed and his men fled the field. Battle of Saylers Creek - The Hillsman Farm: Unaware that his line of retreat was being cut by Merritt, Ewell prepared to engage Wrights advancing VI Corps. Moving forward from their position near the Hillsman Farm, the Union infantry struggled across rain-swollen Little Saylers Creek before reforming and attacking. In the course of the advance, the Union center outdistanced the units on its flanks and took the brunt of the Confederate fire. Wavering, it was driven back by a small Confederate force led by Major Robert Stiles. This pursuit was halted by the Union artillery (Map). Battle of Saylers Creek - Lockett Farm: Reforming, VI Corps again advanced and succeeded in overlapping the flanks of Ewells line. In bitter fighting, Wrights troops succeeded in collapsing Ewells line capturing around 3,400 men and routing the rest. Among the prisoners were six Confederate generals including Ewell. As Union troops were achieving victory near the Hillman Farm, Humphreys II Corps closed on Gordon and the Confederate wagon train a few miles north near the Lockett Farm. Assuming a position along the eastern rim of a small valley, Gordon sought cover the wagons as they crossed the Double Bridges over Saylers Creek at the valley floor. Unable to handle the heavy traffic, the bridges caused a bottleneck leading to the wagons stacking up in the valley. Arriving on the scene, Major General Andrew A. Humphreys II Corps deployed and began attacking around dusk. Steadily driving Gordons men back, the Union infantry took the ridge and the fighting continued among the wagons. Under heavy pressure and with Union troops working around his left flank, Gordon retreated to the west side of the valley having lost around 1,700 captured and 200 wagons. As dark descended, the fighting petered out and Gordon began retreating west towards High Bridge (Map). Battle of Saylers Creek - Aftermath: While Union casualties for the Battle of Saylers Creek numbered around 1,150, the Confederate forces engaged lost around 7,700 killed, wounded, and captured. Effectively the death knell of the Army of Northern Virginia, Confederate losses at Saylers Creek represented approximately a quarter of Lees remaining strength. Riding out from Rices Depot, Lee saw the survivors of Ewells and Andersons corps streaming west and exclaimed, My God, has the army dissolved? Consolidating his men at Farmville early on April 7, Lee was able to partially re-provision his men before being forced out by early afternoon. Pushed west and eventually cornered at Appomattox Court House, Lee surrendered his army on April 9.
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